Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Trip Back to Mos Shuuta
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

During the trip to Mos Shuuta tell the players the below material . . .

You've been working for Teemo the Hutt for roughly 6 months, mostly doing shipping runs from point A to point B, whatever system or planet that may be.

Jasper: You would think after the work you've done for Teemo the Hutt over these months that he would be a little more appreciative of your work but that has not been the case. Jasper you are currently trying to pay off a debt owed to Teemo due to crashing one of his "other" freighters and losing the shipment, and now here you go all over again.

Synergy: You were sold into servitude to Teemo by the pirate gang you had a run in with around 6 months ago. You still haven't settled the score with that bunch yet. With your obstinate attitude, you are not one of Teemo's most favorite people either, but he keeps you around for your skills.

Life is not all bad. You both have a fair amount of freedom when not on the job and the living conditions aren't completely horrible. Neither of you can afford a mistake like this where Teemo is concerned, especially you Jasper, this makes your second ship you've lost of Teemo's plus the cargo being hijacked, you haven't paid off Teemo for the first ship and cargo being lost, now this on top of things? Synergy, you being part of this is not going to go well for you either seeing as how you are already on Teemo's shit list.

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