Thursday, January 25, 2024

Mos Shuuta
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

Entering the city is done through the southern section of Mos Shuuta through the southern gate. Four Gamorrean guards are posted here. They do not hinder you, they just stare at you closely.

Warehouse Besh: This Warehouse is currently closed and securely locked with an Imperial Security system. Looking through the windows you can see it's Rows of shelving are filled with cargo that has been reprimanded by the Customs team that work for Overseer Brynn. Each crate is methodically scanned and tagged so that when the customers pay the important fees, or the Hutts demand its release, a cargo Droid can locate the crate and bring it to the customs office. A terminal located in one corner of the building allows access to the database of cargo, and it's clear that some of these cases have been stored here for many years.

Customs Office: This squat Building located between Warehouse Besh and Dockingbay Besh is the small, dingy field office for the spaceport customs team. The office is rarely used, few Mos Shuuta natives can afford the steep import fees, and if Teemo objects to a package being retained, then it is personally delivered to his palace, though the unfortunate officer who gets the job rarely returns. Beyond the waiting room and counter are a set of offices, untouched for so long that dust has settled on the furniture, and a large supply room, with racks of smaller detained packages and on one wall, a set of body armor and flamer, obviously used for controlling mynock infestations.

Barracks: This is where Teemo's guards and such bunk at. Two dozen of Teemo's Gamorrean guards dwell here. At any given time, six of them are malingering about. Should anyone actually manage to fight or sneak inside, a careful search reveals 75cr worth of cash and a great deal of worthless garbage.

Dewback Stables: A human woman so dark she seems burned black by Tatooine two suns precides over the Dewback stables. Her name is Clarelle and she has a short temper and no patience for anyone who does not know how to ride a Dewback. Six of the giant lizards are in Residence at the moment, and Clarelle rent's them out for a hundred credit per day each.

Water Tower: The water tower is the tallest structure in Mos Shuuta. Climbing to the top of the tower would give anyone an excellent view of the entire town.

Teemo's Palace: Teemo the Hutts opulent palace is enormous and strikingly designed. It is guarded by more gamorreans, security droids, and a large amount of servants, supplicants, and guests fill its many halls and galleries.

Electrogate: The only way off the rocky bluff of Mos Shuuta is the large stone gate at its southwest corner. The gate is guarded by a normally dormant electrogate and a group of four Gamorreans.

Slagworks: Three Gamorrean overseers oversee the wretches who labor in the Slagworks. The Slagworks consist of several mineshafts descending into the Mos Shuuta Bluff as well as a smelting facility where the ore removed from the mines is converted into a usable state. In the guard house is a small box with three stem packs and a tool kit containing two emergency repair kits it looks like these items have been placed here so that the Gamorreans can tend to the needs of the workers and the machinery, but judging from the amount of dust on them the guards have never even touched them. About two dozen workers of various species labor in the shafts or the smelting facility at any given time.

Bath House: Sand gets everywhere, and most species that call Mos Shuuta home are unadapted to the course substance. The bath house is a communal building, with a large central pool of diethyl ether peroxide for bathers to cleanse themselves in. Surrounding the central pool are air shower cubicles, useful for either a pre-bath cleanse or a post bath cleanse.

Shantytown: A riot of ramshackle tents, huts, and hovels clinging to outcroppings of rock, The Shantytown represents the dwellings of Mos Shuuta's poor population. The various islands of the shantyttown are connected to Mos Shuuta proper by rickety rope bridges with planks of rusting scrap metal.

Vorn's Junk Shop: The junk shop is immediately obvious by the scrapyard adjoining the low pourstone building. As you step inside. you see a hunched old human male lurking behind a low counter covered with disassembled droid and machine parts. The man glances up at you. then turns to a garbage can-shaped R5 droid standing at his side. He kicks the droid and shrieks “You're supposed to tell me when I have customers. you bucket of bolts! Go outside and finish stripping that speeder bike wreck." The droid trundles off with a surly “boooop‘ and the man turns to you. “Welcome, customers! As you can see," he points to points at the racks and shelves and enormous buckets full of scrap metal and parts, “l have anything you could want...for the right price."

R5-K3: Gets mistreated bad by Vorn.

Banking Terminal: The flickering cracked screen on the outdated terminal can dispense both standard galactic credits and information reports, if you can get it to work reliably. Poor quality communication links, decaying chips, and reduced power availability makes the transmission speed incredibly poor, and it's not uncommon for the data to time-out before transactions complete or before all of an article is displayed.

Offworld Trader's: Just across the alley from Vorn's Junk Shop is the off-world traders, marked by a rusty old stylized rocket ship. Bengara the male Twi'lek proprietor, specializes in fine goods from off world, including luxurious clothing, exotic art objects, and difficult to find food stuffs and spices. In short Off World Traders has anything one could want, but absolutely nothing useful, and always at too high a price.

Bounty Office: While bounty posters are shown outside Teemo's palace, the cantina, and the spaceport, a building by the electrogate serves as both the town's jail, meeting point for the various bounty hunters that pass through the mesa, and it's surrounding areas. Behind a security screen, a twi'lek and human update the various information screens with the latest bounties and updated leads. They have a small cafe containing a couple of thousand credit sticks but the majority of their money is stored safely in Teemo's palace, to which they have a small service duct which a small transport droid runs back and forth in it. At the far end of the building are a series of cells, lined with metal to cause their inhabitants to suffer in the desert heat.

Power Station: This large domed building forms the corner of a small grouping of properties, most of which are among the better lit and cooler buildings in Mos Shuuta. Getting close to the building, you can hear the thrum of its generators, their Ducts delving deep into the planet's crust, drawing on the heat from the planet's core. Large metal tubes burst out of the molded sand walls of the station itself, some thrusting into the air, before ejecting a network of cables that run to different segments of the mesa. Other tubes form a shiny walkway between the nearby buildings, while others dive back underground, carrying power conduits to the spaceport and slagworks. The power station is a popular gathering point in the early hours, as Jawas hang around eager to trade with the owners who bring their droids to the station to be recharged.

Baba's Grill: It's hard to see the inside of Baba's Grill, a small property built next to the power station. That's because there is always a crowd of people outside the shop, and it's not uncommon to queue for 30 minutes to get to the front and order one of the few items Baba has on sale, Bantha Burger's and Dewback Ribs. Baba himself is a fairly old Rodian, and spends his time in the back of the shack cooking, leaving the sourcing of meat, maintenance of the grills and serving of the customers to his younger son Yaga. Yaga is a fast-mouth fool with his fingers in more pies that he can honestly manage. From buying bantha's poached from the moisture farms, to storing contraband under the counter, to sharing rumors he heard off the customers, Yoga seems determined to get into trouble with Teemo without intentionally doing so.

Desert Survey Office: This unassuming sandstone building is dominated by large metal door, though to enter the building, you have to find the smaller door around the side complete with a tiny plaque stating "scouts welcome". The inside of the building is a high ceiling chamber with fans hanging from the roof and ventilators working hard to keep the expanse cool. The owner of the building keeps an aging podracer in the building, the metal doors acting as the garage entry for the device. The walls are covered in maps, recruitment posters and various bits of junk, Tuscan Raider rappings, a series of Krayt Dragon scales. The furniture here is well worn, it's a popular place for people to come for a few hours to cool down and listen to the owner Tars Vulnrick tell stories about his old life as a podracer and then as an explorer.

Acevedo's Weapons: It said that Acevedo has been selling weapons to the bounty hunters, moisture farmers and Teemo's body guards for longer than Mos Shuuta has been a city. Various locations have served to act as his store, but he currently owns a store near the slagworks. A particularly ugly and scarred Trandoshan, Acevedo has a penchant for antique weapons, and he is almost always armed with something older that his customer and he is constantly cleaning or maintaining old weapons. He has some morals, and is unwilling to sell to a common street Thug, and is unlikely to sell his prize antiques to someone who doesn't look capable of using them or looking after them. He keeps a stock of modern weapons on the wall of his shop, but all are unloaded and unpowered, and sell for at least twice their market value.

Moisture Vat Pumping Station: What looks at first glance to be a tin roof garage adjacent to the mesas's important water tower is perhaps the most important building in Mos Shuuta. Designed to accommodate even the largest hover transports and small land speeders used by the outlying moisture farms, it contains all the equipment needed to pump water supplies from the vaporators used by the farmers, purifying and storing the water as it does so. Surveillance cameras feed video and sound to both Teemo's Palace and the spaceport control tower, so both know when a delivery is made and by whom.

Trader's Ledge: Hanging from the northern side of the mesa, in the shadow of docking bay Aurek is a series of rickety wooden platforms, held a loft by gigantic gas balloons. On the canyon floor hundreds of feet below are piles of Dewback dung, sweating and rotting in the sunlight of Tatooine's double sons. A small processing plant pumps the gas up to the balloons, providing a floating platform for the verpine trader Vl'grax to land his small freighter shuttle on. Vl'grax runs an irregular cargo service to the other cities on Tatooine such as Moss Espa and Mos Eisley. Because he doesn't land on the mesa itself, overseer or Brynn is unable to restrict his movements or his carrying capacity, and Vl'grax would be the easiest way of retrieving illegal items in his insect like sensibilities would extend to transporting anything other than food and water.

Bunkhouse: Mos Shuuta doesn't have much of a transient population, visitors find there is little to interest them and quickly move on. The few travelers, ones stranded here due to dust storms, or technical difficulties with their craft. Indeed, Mos Shuuta is the last safe location before the wide expanse of the dune see.

There are a few options for where to stay. You can attempt to woo the attentions of Teemo the Hutt, and potentially find yourself contracted to a lifetime and servitude to him for a single night's accommodation and entertainment. You can get stupidly drunk in the dingy Cantina and pass out, and hope the bartender doesn't throw you out over the mesa's edge, or you can pay to sleep in the bunkhouse. This moderate, two-story building is not in the most hospitable location, the thick accurate smoke from the slagworks blankets the building day and night. The ground floor is a modest eatery, run by the bunk houses owners, while a separate external staircase leads to the bunkhouse, a long room, devoid of any features beyond the sleeping cots and air shower cubicle.

Medical Center: While Teemo has his own medical center, as do the Clone Troopers garrisoned in the armored bunkhouse, the general population of Mos Shuuta have to make do with this rundown facility. A victim of one too many mob attacks, with gangs of residents attempting to get at the injured parties within its walls have left the window smashed and boarded up and the heavy blast steel door hanging from its hinges. Within the room is a small waiting area, a reception office, and a medical officers office, and the main surgery room. Wind blown sand is heaped into every corner and the remaining recovery bed and bacta tank have seen better days. The center's Bothan doctor El'Jaameer, inherited the facility from her father and is struggling to cope with such rudimentary facilities. With dwindling supplies and limited funds to release her Contraband drugs from the customs office, her bedside manner borders on furious.

Surveillance Bunker: Beyond a vague customs presence, and the Imperial appointed spaceport overseer, Brynn, the Galactic Empire has very little influence in Mos Shuuta leaving it to Teemo and his gamorian guards to maintain peace. That is not to say that the Empire doesn't ignore Mos Shuuta in its entirety. It's elevated location on the edge of the Dune Sea gives it a commanding views across the terrain, and unbeknownst to the Mos Shuuta residence, a heavily armored and well camouflaged surveillance bunker is built into the cliff face below the spaceport communications building. The bunker is manned by a rotating shift of three groups of Clone Troopers, all of whom have survival and battle experience in the Jundland Wastes, and most are trained spotters and snipers. Most residents presume the clone Troopers they see occasionally patrolling the streets are part of the spaceport security staff.

Jawa Traders: Under the torn cell barge Wings strung between three buildings is a small market stall where Jawa's gather, tugging at the clothes of passerby's and swarming towards droids and vehicles that stop for too long outside the stall. Get past their scavenger nature and their lack of basic language skills, and you'll find that the Jawas here are well connected, exchanging items with the other tribes in the dune sea. Their stock is constantly changing, and cheap, though not always in the best condition.

Spaceport Control Facility: This facility is a low squat building clinging to the edge of the Mos Shuuta bluff. It is guarded by spaceport security droids and run by overseer Brynn.

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