Thursday, January 25, 2024

Mr. Wick & the Package
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

You enter the reception area for Mr Wick. It's a large room with chairs and couches set up around the room. On the other side of the room from where you walk in is a secretary at her desk, Synergy, you know her as Sherri, a young woman in her mid 20's. She sees you enter the room and smiles - "Welcome back sister" (it's just the nickname she calls you by) you two have become friends since you started working for Mr. Wick. Who is this you have with you?

She smiles . . . "Go on up, he is expecting you and nice to meet you mr Rakku.

You take the Skylift (the elevator) up to the Sky Deck office. Soft elevator music plays over the speakers. With a *ding* the lift comes to a stop and the doors slide open with a woosh.

Mr. Wicks office is enormous and is located on the Sky Deck which is the upper most level of Vanguard Station. The skylift elevator is used to access to the Sky Deck office. When on the station itself, Jerrick spends most of his time here.

The office is furnished with comfortable chairs that face each other, three on each side for visitors to sit in. Mr Wicks desk is usually covered with various papers . . . contracts, work orders, shipping manifests and such. This room is extremely comfortable. The far wall of the office is a large window that reaches nearly from floor to ceiling and has a beautiful view of the planet Elrood. Cylinder lights hang from the ceiling giving the room a soft glow.

Only those close to Mr. Wick have clearance to use the skylift elevator that leads to this floor, Synergy, you personally have your own code that if noone is at the secretary desk, you can punch your personal code into the keypad on the wall to activate the skylift, everyone else must check in with his secretary below to be allowed up to this level and only Mr. Wick can grant access to the skylift elevator. Those who are close to Mr. Wick, those he trusts basically have an open door policy to this office.

Jerrick greets you both, welcome back Synergy - he walks over to you to give you an embrace and tells you "glad you're ok". He then glances over at you Jasper "ahh, welcome Mr. Rakku, glad to finally meet you . . . may I call you Jasper"? Well, come in, make yourself comfortable, fix yourself a drink if you like. He motions over towards a medium sized refreshment station that sits along the wall to the right as you enter the office from the Skylift. It various bottles of wine and glasses and such.

He lets Synergy know that her payment for the mission, 5,000 credits has been deposited into her bank account.

Synergy, I got your report, but go ahead and give me a brief rundown on what you personally found out. How deep is Teemo in with this new Galactic Empire?

(The reason Wick wants to know is from time to time he does business with or through Teemo and he does not want to be associated with this new Empire in any way).

1) So you stole an Imperial Omicron-class Attack Shuttle? "he chuckles" Yea, we will have to do something about that ship you brought back, he laughs. No worries, I already have people on it as we speak setting it up with a new transponder. (Basically you can keep the name Valyrie if you like or change it to something else) but the transponder will be totally different. No one will know this ship used to belong to the Empire.

2) Offers Jasper a job. Sets him up with an aprtment. If your friends with Synergy, you're friends with me, you're hired. Tells Sherri (his secretary that when Jasper comes down, have someone escort him to his new apartment.

3) Jasper, Is there anything that I didn't find out already that you want to tell me? We don't keep secrets here - one thing I demand from my people is truth above all else. Trust me I know everything about you . . . it's what I do but . . . there is always something that records don't cover. Is there anything I need to know about?

People who work for me have free reign, You live for free, I furnish your ship with fuel and maintenence free of charge. You a paid accordingly for each mission. I take care of my people but . . . if you ever cross me, I will kill you, quickly and quietly. Like I said, honesty and loyalty are what I stand for and it goes both ways. There are no secrets between us that can affect me, this station or this business. I'll never send you on missions that involve you committing a crime or doing anything Illegal - I don't recognize the Empire as a force of law and order though. If you agree to all of this then you'll be well taken care of.

4) Now, on to some unpleasant news. Jerrick looks at you Synergy, a package arrived for you three months ago, but since you were undercover I had no way of delivering it to you, so I kept it here locked up in my safe until your return. He walks over, presses a few keys on the safe and opens it, retrieving a package from it. He brings it back over and sits it on the deck. It's addressed to you Synergy. His face takes on a saddened appearance as he slides the package over to you.

Inside the package is a letter and a sealed metal box with your sisters name engraved on it (Hera).
• (Your sister had it set up upon her death that this package would be delivered straight to you) "Let Jennifer read the letter out loud"
Metal Box: You open the box. You've heard of these before, you instantly recognize it from your sister telling you about them years ago. It's a Holocron and you recognize the second item as your sisters lightsaber. When you see your sisters lightsaber, it kind of hits home at this point. It is a white hilt with metal trim. (If activated, it has a green blade).

After the package opening . . .
Mr. Wick says: The word that I have is, she was killed defending the Jedi Temple when the Clone Troopers attacked the Jedi Temple. She was trying to save a group of younglings but they were all killed including your sister. I'm sorry Synergy.

When the meeting concludes, Mr. Wick tells Synergy to take a few days, gather her thoughts and when she is ready then Mr. Wick can line you guys up with another mission. He lets Jasper know that he added a get started fund in his account.

(Joe, you can check that using your datapad - you'll see he gifted you 2,000 credits to let you purchase items that you need)

• When the meeting is over, and Jasper takes the Skylift down, someone is waiting for him to escort him to apartment 3B.
• Describe his apartment when he gets there.

Allow for any last roleplaying . . .

And this concludes Episode One of Rise of the Empire.
We hope you enjoyed the liveplay.
All of our contact information is down below in the description. We will see everyone next time. Have a great day.

• Tell Joe about the blog, have him read about Mr. Wick and Vanguard Station, look at all the various shops and businesses.
• Give both of them links to blog and maybe include key links. Possibly add this info to there handouts.


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