Sunday, January 28, 2024

Meeting Mr. Wick
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

You do your customary greeting with Sherri at the desk and proceed up the Skylift to Mr. Wicks office - With you having an open door policy, there is no wait time. As you enter the office, you see he is on a holo-call with someone and he is not very happy with them. He motions for you to come in while he continues to chew this fellas ass. "Let me explain something to you! Backing out of this contract is not even on the table, I've already paid for this cargo to be delivered to you and you WILL honor your end. Backing out this late in the deal is not a wise decision on your part"! He then kills the connection and the video call winks out.

He sighs and just stares at you for a moment, not really looking you, it's as if he is trying to collect his thoughts, he then shakes his head and chuckles softly, I'm sorry, make yourself comfortable. I'm sorry you had to see that, a slack jawed buyer for electronic parts is getting cold feet due to the Imperial crack down of his sector. Jerrick looks over at you Synergy, "how are you? Everything ok"?.

Let Jennifer Roleplay a moment . . .

"Alright, let's get down to busniess then, shall we?"

As you are aware, it's been three months since the Fall of the Republic and this new First Galactic Empire rising to power. A lot of things has happened, "he lowers his voice slightly, the Jedi being wiped out (he glances over at you Synergy with a sad expression), things are bad around the galaxy. This transition from the Republic to the Empire is affecting everyone, even as far out as we are in the Outer Rim. Sure, the Confederacy of Independent Systems or "the Separatists" as everyone knows them by, is no longer controlling the Elrood sector but just because we have finally become an independent sector does not mean the Empires grip is not felt here.

You need to understand, this new Galactic Empire is not our friend as the Republic was, Clone Troopers are not the same. Something has happened to them, it takes very little to trigger them now. For all that we know, this Empire is evil. It is to be treated as such if ever you have dealings with them.

Wick shipping is already feeling "some" of this transition. Already two of our shipments has been confiscated by the Empire and these shipments were perfectly legal so you are bound to come into contact with this problem yourselves.

If They Stole the Shuttle
We need to discuss this stolen Omicron-class Attack Shuttle you two "he gestures at Jasper and Synergy" have brought to my station. Luckily for you . . . the transponder was changed, we left the ships ID as Valkyrie, we've gave the ship a good once over, it's a good as new and the Empire will not be able to ID the ship as a former Imperial ship. So, you can keep it "he laughs - like he is handing his child the keys to a new speeder bike for there birthday". It's not the best style of ship for hauling cargo, but I think we can manage. Everything that was inside the shuttle has been left untouched. You can do a complete enventory when you get back to your ship.

I have a "certain" friend friend . . . he pauses for grand effect. What we are about to speak on stays in this office, do you understand?

Waits for the yes . . .

With this Empire coming to power, we now have "certain" individuals that are not happy with this new authority. One such individual is Senator Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Myself and Bail have been close friends for some number of years and he has recently reached out to me. I've never met Mon Mothma, but I understand she is a good woman.

One day after the proclamation of the Galactic Empire, Organa was amongst sixty-three senators, detained by Imperial Intelligence on charges of conspiracy and treason. While some senators refused to profess loyalty to the Empire and were promptly arrested and accused of being party to the "Jedi rebellion", Organa and Mothma professed their loyalty to the Imperial authorities "but of course this was not true" and were released. He decided to keep his position on the Senate. Organa easily established himself as a supporter of the Empire. While he, along with Senator Mon Mothma maintained outward appearances of loyalty, however, Bail and Mon Mothma soon began preparing for resistance to Emperor Palpatine's rule.

This is when I was contacted by Bail Organa. I'm not fond of the idea of secretly defying the Emperor and his Empire, but it's the only thing for one to do.

Bail and Mon Mothma have secretly been putting together a small resistance cell that will work against the Empire "in the background of course", which brings me to you. I have a mission for you but you're not going to like it.

Waits for the groans . . .

I need you to go back to Tatooine.

Waits for the groans . . .

You won't be returning to Mos Shuuta, you'll be going to Anchorhead which is on the other side of the planet. Anchorhead was actually one of the first ever settlements on Tatooine, abandoned and resettled many times over the years. Basically now this is a minor outpost for several moisture farms in the area. It's very remote and should easily make for a safe place to do the transaction. Keep a low profile and you should be fine.

Waits for more groans . . .

This particular mission will have you being associated with this new Resistance. You do not have to accept, and if you refuse, no hard feelings will come to you and we will continue with non Resistance business as usual.

If they accept . . .

Alright then, he we go . . .
You will be meeting an anonymous seller on Tatooine to purchase a shipment of 150 BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifles in 10 days and the trip itself takes roughly nine days, so you have two hours to prep your ship and get ready. These weapons will be going to the newly formed Resistance cell under Bail Organa. Upon returning to me, you'll be paid 5,000 credits each by Bail Organa. You will be paying this seller 150,000 credits "in digital credits", meaning I am giving you this credit pad that is keyed for this buyer only - for anyone else it is useless (he hands it to one of the group). All information on the location and time of this meeting will be sent to each of your personal datapads before your departure.

Are we good?

Listen to me, no screwing around on this mission guys, these weapons are going to this new Resistance and Bail Organa is counting on you, I'm counting on you. This mission is off the records which means I cannot vouch for you if you're caught, understood? Get there, do the purchase and return home. You should arrive 8-10 hours prior to the meet time.

Anything from you guys? Alright then, I'll let you get to it then, you have two hours, so get yourself prepped. Good luck.

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