Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Night at Tosche Station
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

Everything seems to be in order, your ship has been repaired and refueled - you were given the instructions for the mission on your datapads with everything that you need.

Scrolling through your datapads, reading the information concerning the upcoming mission you see the following . . .

To limit the chance of this trade being spotted, you are to meet the weapon dealer just outside of Anchorhead "which is a combination of mechanic's garage and lounge - it's also a hangout for the local youth".

Allow for any last minute roleplaying . . .

You request clearance for departure and leave the station headed back to Tatooine.

You drop out of hyperspace just outside the Tatooine system. No other ships are showing up on scanners. Just as you enter the system you get an encrypted message from your buyer letting you know that everything is on track and that he will meet you just outside of Anchorhead at the agreed upon cordinates & time.

You start your decent towards the surface and Anchorhead. As you approach Anchorhead you hear a staticky transmission come over the coms . . . Unknown ship, please identify yourself.

Let Joe give the call sign of Valkyrie.

Roger Valkyrie, process to landing pad A. Everything runs smooth and you land the ship. The sun has already went down and it is well into the night. You're supposed to meet with your seller in roughly 8 hours. You do notice that the wind seems to be picking up, the wind causing the sand to bite against your skin. You can tell that a sand storm is approaching from your time living on this planet and you know you need to seek shelter somewhere before it hits.

Exiting the ship you look around, everything seems to be closed down for the night except for the local cantina just across the way from where you landed.

Let them do whatever and then proceed to the Cantina.

The nearest building to you is Tosche Station. a combination speeder bike repair shop and seedy cantina where the local youth are said to hang out.

As you push through the cantina door into a dimly lit interior, you can see that you wern't the only ones that sought shelter from the fast approaching sandstorm. Some random cantina music is playing on a juke box style machine over in the far corner. The small lounge is a little crowded with several locals, which include "a few humans (1 woman) and a handful of Jawa's". As you stand there surveying the room, one of the humans yells out "Close the door ya blasted idiots". The Jawa's scurry toward you, jabbering excitedly and reaching for your gear and by the gestures, they appear to be interested in trading with you.

[Jawa's leave only if shoo'd away by the players. Afterward, they just wander around the room at random, pestering anyone who let's them.]

Cantina Occupants
Maze "Fixer" Loneozner Mechanic
Membe Gang Member
Erkeil Pacithhip Spice Dealer
Old Ezrim Moisture Farmer
Verzon Trennd Pilot

By the sound of it, the wind has really picked up. You can hear the wind slamming against the outside walls of the cantina. You pretty much know you are stuck here for the night until this sandstorm blows over. You find a table to sit at. A few minutes later a fella approaches your table trying to strike up a conversation. Sitting down at an empty seat he says "Hey, my name is Erkeil, crazy wind outside eh? You know this could go on all night. You folks don't seem to be around here"

Allow for random roleplay . . .

The door to the cantina suddenly slides open and in walk 4 clonetroopers who also appear to be seeking shelter for the night. The person sitting at your table quickly extracates himself from the chair - "if you'll excuse me". As they walk in, you see several people quickly get up and relocate themselves, one guy even slides back into the shadows in the corner where his table is at. You do find it curious how the Empire has expanded this far out into the Outer Rim this fast with you first seeing Clone Troopers in Mos Shuuta and now in Anchorhead. As the 4 Clone Troopers step therough the sliding door, the same fella that yelled at you sounds off with "Close the" and then realizes who just entered he quickly closes his mouth. The Clone troopers appear to be armed with blaster rifles.

The Clone Troopers look around, scanning the room and then one of them says "We're waiting in here until the storm passes. Everyone stay where you are and keep your hands where we can see them". The Clonetroopers take up positions around the room (mostly due to there training of course) where they can clearly see everyone in the lounge and each other. They are clearly watching everyone as they stand stoically at there spots they posted up on.

As things settle down, the same fella that rolled up on your table earlier returns and sits down "whew, I thought something was going on - he chuckles" So anyways, you folks are not from around here eh"?

He will ask, "you looking for anything in particular"?
He will try to eventually see if they wanna buy some spice.

[He tries to drop his package of Spice into one of the characters pockets] - Roll DC12 Perception Check

Another fella, an older man sitting a couple of tables from you [Old Ezrim] who looks like a random local, probably a local farmer, has been eyeballing you since you entered the cantina. All of a sudden he points at your table "He yells out loudly, who exactly are you . . . I've never seen you here before"?

I've lived here all of my life and I've never seen you folks around here.
What are you doing out on a night like this?
What's in your satchel?
I'm just curious what makes you want to talk to an ex-con like Erkeil?
Where did you get those weapons from?
Were you in a fight before these Clonetroopers arrived?

You do notice, the Clone Troopers turn there heads as if they are listening to all of this.

Let them try and make a DC12 Perception Check to notice another fella who appears to probably be a local thug by the way he is dressed. Now that the Troopers are on point, you see him become super nervous (Perception Check DC12) and you notice he flips the latch from his blaster on his holster.

"Suddenly, a muffled speaker crackles to life. Emergency! This is the Singing Savrip! I've been attacked by an Imperial Customs ship and my stabilizers are out! I can't make the Rendezvous! I don't even know if I can land this thing! [To your horror, you realize it's your comlink!] I think I'm near Anchorhead but I'm in the middle of a sandstorm and I can't see a . . . "the comlink goes to static"

The transmission abruptly cuts off, and from somewhere outside, everyone Hears a distant WHUMP! As something - presumably the Singing Savrip suddenly slams into the tatooine landscape.

I knew it! The fella that was interogating you [Old Ezrim] cries in the ensuing silence. You are smugglers! Troopers, arrest them! Suddenly, the one who looks like a local thug draws his blaster and shoots at a Clonetrooper.

If the Players do nothing once the Troopers kills the Thug, the Clone Troopers level their blasters at you. The Troopers won't accept anything but the PC's unconditional surrender.

[No matter what happens, do what I gotta do to put the characters in handcuffs.]

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