[Fight with fighters - When they go to make a jump to Hyperspace, roll 1d6+1. How long it takes to jump to hyperspace]
Travel Times:
Station to Elrood (1 Hour)
1) Jasper . . . When you come out of hyperspace the planet spirals into view. The hyperspace engines go out with a loud screech. Your controls are sluggish, you can barely keep the ship level . . . you decend into the Elrood atmosphere
(Let him make a Space Transports roll but it will succeed unless it's rock bottom).
As you break the cloud cover of the planet, the ships intercom comes to life, unidentified freighter - please identify yourself.
You get a set of coordinates to the city of Elrooden space port to land.
[Have Jasper make several Space Transports rolls as he attempts to bring the ship down safely]
The landing gear manages to come down.
The ship lands with a kathunk, several red lights are flashing on your control panel.
[Ship needs repairing - charge him 4,700cr & several hours to finish repairs and informs them once repairs are finished . . . Mechanic informs them that Gravity Locks have to be put in place during repairs to ensure they don't get stiffed. Once repairs are done, they can take the receipt inside to pay and have the Gravity Locks removed. The mechanic goes ahead and brings his droids in to begin repairs.]
2) [Roleplay it like] - You see Clone Troopers questioning people near where an Imperial shuttle landed at the spaceport, they are talking to different people who work there, showing holo images to people as if they are searching for something . . . . or someone.
[They will try to GTFO but will be forced into a fight near their ship with 4 Clone Troopers (a different group of Troopers) The Clone Troopers are between them and their ship.]
[Escape . . . ?] 2) Space Battle: Just as you leave the atmosphere of Elrood, a Venator-class Star Destroyer is nearby in orbit around Elrood and immediatley launches 4 ARC-170 fighters.
[Space Combat then hperspace jump to Lothal]
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