Sunday, February 4, 2024

Destruction of Vanguard Station
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

As you drop out of Hyperspace you see three Venator-class Star Destroyers at Vanguard Station. You are out of weapons range of the Destroyers at the moment. (Mention that they might want to kill the ships thrusters)

[The screen wipes . . . ]

You're now on the bridge of one of the Venator-class Destroyers. You see a man turn to his communications officer, open a coms channel with the station. Yes sir.

You see Mr. Wick appear over the holoscreen in front of Admiral Praat, this is Jerrick Wick, chief administrator for Vanguard Station, how might I assist you admiral? You will surrender (characters names) immediately in the name of the Galactic Empire. I'm sorry, but they are not here at this time. Allow me to repeat myself, You will surrender the afore mentioned fugitives immediately. Again, I am sorry to inform you but they left the station 2 weeks ago, I haven't seen them since. You are welcome to board the station to verify this sir.

Admiral Praat motions to his communications officer to sever coms with the station. Inform the other ships to take up positions and open fire. Yes sir.

The screen pulls back to an outside view of the station and the Destroyers. You watch as the Venators reposition themselves and begin to open fire on the station. It doesn't take the three Venator-class Destroyers long before the station explodes.

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