Friday, February 9, 2024

All Aboard!
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

A large pourstone hangar looms before you, an enormous aurek sign stenciled onto the building's side representing theis particular hanger bay. As you approach. you can see through the open hangar doors to the cavernous interior, where a YT-1300 light freighter (Millennium Falcon) rests with its loading ramp down. All you have to do is get to that ship and you can leave Tatooine!

Two rusty security droids stand outside the ramp entrance. If you want that ship, first you'll have to get by them.

[The droids will challenge any PCs that approach and refuse them entry to the loading bay. As at the spaceport command center, the PCs will have to find a way past the droids to get in. Currently, Trex is on board the Krayt Fang in the cockpit, going over some systems diagnostics. There are two security droids at the front door of the hangar and two more at the base of the loading ramp.]

All stats 2D except for:
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D
Intimidation 4D
Languages 6D
Law enforcement 5D+2
Willpower 4D
Search 3D
Brawling 3D
First Aid 4D
Move: 12.

Equipped with: Infrared vision (see in the dark up to 30m); Motion sensors (+2 to search rolls against moving targets); Sonic sensors (+2 to search rolls that involve sound); Body armor (+1D to Strength rolls versus physical attacks, +1 pips versus energy attacks).
Equipment: Blaster Carbine (5D, 3-7,25/50)

Pretending to turn one of their number in for a bounty can get Trex to leave the Krayt Fang and come talk to the PCs, if the droids can be persuaded that they're telling the truth. (Con vs Willpower or Perception). If the "bounty" offered is Lowhhrick, the attempt gains a +1D beneficial situation modifier to the Con check ; Trex always enjoys hunting Wookiees.

The droids ask to see the HMlR, then let the PCs go right in to install it. Trex will come greet them as they board the starship, and they'll have to use Con versus his Willpower or a fight will start right there!

There's a side entrance to the hangar, which is locked. Opening the lock is a Moderate (15) Security or Computer check. If the PCs fail on this check, one of the security droids from the entrance comes to see what they're doing. Once the lock is opened, there's no way to sneak past the droids at the foot of the loading ramp, but a Sneak check opposed by the droids' Search can let the PCs sneak up to the front door and close and lock it from the inside, so the first two security droids can't come to Trex's aid.

As soon as a fight begins, the droids send out a distress call to the other two droids and Trex. Trex takes cover within his ship and shoots anyone who approaches the loading ramp. If the ship is boarded, Trex retreats deeper into the ship. blasting as he goes.

Once Aboard
Trex is not at his ship.

Up, Up, & Away!
If the players delay, inform them "You see a group of Clone Troopers rush into the hanger bay and begin to set up a rather large gun".

[Astute PCs will remember that they are supposed to install the hypermatter reactor igniter (HMRI) before they can jump to hyperspace.]

It takes 6 turns to jump to hyperspace once the HMRI is installed.

The Krayt Fang thrums around you as its engines power up, lifting through the hangar bay doors and into the bright sunlight of the Tatooine sky. Soon, Mos Shuuta vanishes behind you as you race out over the Dune Sea and climb towards outer space.

Suddenly, an alert klaxon blares!l As you leave Tatooine's atmosphere, two Imperial fighters appear on the ship's censors screaming in on an intercept course - V-Wing Fighters! The starfighters shoot past, laser cannons blazing, and sparks fly from a console in the cockpit - you've been hit! You're not clear of the planet's gravity well yet and can't jump to lightspeed without the hypermatter reactor ignitor installed.

[Let Jenn roll a DC12 Mechanical, If she makes it, the device pops right in, if she fails it takes her 2 rounds to install.]

Name: V-Wing Starfighter
Type: Kuat Systems Engineering Alpha-3 Nimbus "V-Wing" starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 7.9 Meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - V-Wing
Crew: 1 + AstroMech
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 6D, Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 4D
Consumables: 1 Day
Cost: 45,000 (used)
Cargo Capacity: 40 Kg
Hyperdrive Multiplier: N/A
Hyperdrive Backup: N/A
Nav Computer: No
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 375;1000kmh
Maneuverability: 3D
Hull: 3D
Shields: 2D
Sensors: Passive: 20/0D Scan: 35/1D Search: 50/2D Focus: 2/3D
Weapons: 2 * Twin Laser Cannons (Fire-Linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
Damage: 5D

Once the break through the Atmosphere, they see a Venator-class Star Destroyer in orbit but it is out of position to be a threat.

If the Krayt Fang takes a hard hit, 1 of its 2 shields first. Once the HMRI is installed, keep track of 6 turns until they can jump.

Once they make the jump to (wherever) the adventure ends but let them search the ship . . . . Vanguard Station is next.

REWARDS: 5-10 CP's depending on how hard things went.

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