Friday, February 9, 2024

All Aboard!
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

A large pourstone hangar looms before you, an enormous aurek sign stenciled onto the building's side representing theis particular hanger bay. As you approach. you can see through the open hangar doors to the cavernous interior, where a YT-1300 light freighter (Millennium Falcon) rests with its loading ramp down. All you have to do is get to that ship and you can leave Tatooine!

Two rusty security droids stand outside the ramp entrance. If you want that ship, first you'll have to get by them.

[The droids will challenge any PCs that approach and refuse them entry to the loading bay. As at the spaceport command center, the PCs will have to find a way past the droids to get in. Currently, Trex is on board the Krayt Fang in the cockpit, going over some systems diagnostics. There are two security droids at the front door of the hangar and two more at the base of the loading ramp.]

All stats 2D except for:
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D
Intimidation 4D
Languages 6D
Law enforcement 5D+2
Willpower 4D
Search 3D
Brawling 3D
First Aid 4D
Move: 12.

Equipped with: Infrared vision (see in the dark up to 30m); Motion sensors (+2 to search rolls against moving targets); Sonic sensors (+2 to search rolls that involve sound); Body armor (+1D to Strength rolls versus physical attacks, +1 pips versus energy attacks).
Equipment: Blaster Carbine (5D, 3-7,25/50)

Pretending to turn one of their number in for a bounty can get Trex to leave the Krayt Fang and come talk to the PCs, if the droids can be persuaded that they're telling the truth. (Con vs Willpower or Perception). If the "bounty" offered is Lowhhrick, the attempt gains a +1D beneficial situation modifier to the Con check ; Trex always enjoys hunting Wookiees.

The droids ask to see the HMlR, then let the PCs go right in to install it. Trex will come greet them as they board the starship, and they'll have to use Con versus his Willpower or a fight will start right there!

There's a side entrance to the hangar, which is locked. Opening the lock is a Moderate (15) Security or Computer check. If the PCs fail on this check, one of the security droids from the entrance comes to see what they're doing. Once the lock is opened, there's no way to sneak past the droids at the foot of the loading ramp, but a Sneak check opposed by the droids' Search can let the PCs sneak up to the front door and close and lock it from the inside, so the first two security droids can't come to Trex's aid.

As soon as a fight begins, the droids send out a distress call to the other two droids and Trex. Trex takes cover within his ship and shoots anyone who approaches the loading ramp. If the ship is boarded, Trex retreats deeper into the ship. blasting as he goes.

Once Aboard
Trex is not at his ship.

Up, Up, & Away!
If the players delay, inform them "You see a group of Clone Troopers rush into the hanger bay and begin to set up a rather large gun".

[Astute PCs will remember that they are supposed to install the hypermatter reactor igniter (HMRI) before they can jump to hyperspace.]

It takes 6 turns to jump to hyperspace once the HMRI is installed.

The Krayt Fang thrums around you as its engines power up, lifting through the hangar bay doors and into the bright sunlight of the Tatooine sky. Soon, Mos Shuuta vanishes behind you as you race out over the Dune Sea and climb towards outer space.

Suddenly, an alert klaxon blares!l As you leave Tatooine's atmosphere, two Imperial fighters appear on the ship's censors screaming in on an intercept course - V-Wing Fighters! The starfighters shoot past, laser cannons blazing, and sparks fly from a console in the cockpit - you've been hit! You're not clear of the planet's gravity well yet and can't jump to lightspeed without the hypermatter reactor ignitor installed.

[Let Jenn roll a DC12 Mechanical, If she makes it, the device pops right in, if she fails it takes her 2 rounds to install.]

Name: V-Wing Starfighter
Type: Kuat Systems Engineering Alpha-3 Nimbus "V-Wing" starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 7.9 Meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - V-Wing
Crew: 1 + AstroMech
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 6D, Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 4D
Consumables: 1 Day
Cost: 45,000 (used)
Cargo Capacity: 40 Kg
Hyperdrive Multiplier: N/A
Hyperdrive Backup: N/A
Nav Computer: No
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 375;1000kmh
Maneuverability: 3D
Hull: 3D
Shields: 2D
Sensors: Passive: 20/0D Scan: 35/1D Search: 50/2D Focus: 2/3D
Weapons: 2 * Twin Laser Cannons (Fire-Linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Fire Control: 2D
Space: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
Damage: 5D

Once the break through the Atmosphere, they see a Venator-class Star Destroyer in orbit but it is out of position to be a threat.

If the Krayt Fang takes a hard hit, 1 of its 2 shields first. Once the HMRI is installed, keep track of 6 turns until they can jump.

Once they make the jump to (wherever) the adventure ends but let them search the ship . . . . Vanguard Station is next.

REWARDS: 5-10 CP's depending on how hard things went.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Krayt Fang Loot
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

To push the story along, I'll give you a rundown of everything of value that you find on the ship that belonged to the bounty hunter.
• 8,000cr (4,000 each)
Portable Holobooth
Ration/Fluid Packs (2 Months)
• 2 MB450 Macrobinoculars
• 3 Wrist Comm
• 1 Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc 773 Firepuncher Sniper Rifle
• 4 Medkit
• 12 Glow Rods
Tasari Breath Mask
• 2 Portable Heater
• 4 BlasTech Industries E-11 Blaster Rifle
• 4 BlasTech Industries DH-17 Blaster Pistol

Down in the primary cargo hold . . .
Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Escape From Mos Shuuta Again
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

As you stand at gunpoint the doors to the cantina slide open. In walks 4 more Clone Troopers and a certain individual you remember yelling at you as you stole his shuttle in Mos Shuuta. When he spots you, a huge smile appears on his face.

[Let him talk shit and let players roleplay a bit]

What ever shall we do with you?
Maybe we just kill you tight here and be done with it, yea, I like that idea. Troopers, kills them . . . WAIT! I have a better idea.

Get there weapons and gear and then take them to the shuttle.

They lead you out of the cantina to YOUR ship, Three Troopers and the Officer board your ship with you. You lift off but to where you have no clue. The entire trip, this officer is non stop talking mad shit to you.

A short time later your destination appears . . . Mos Shuuta, it appears they are taking you back to Teemo the Hutt. You approach the landing bay and your ship slowly eases itself down until you land with a soft thud. The Troopers grab your arms and guide you off the ship but as soon as you exit the ship a group of men explode into action and subdue the Troopers and the officer. The Imperials are all disarmed and a man (apparently the leader of this group) walks towards you.

What have we here? Prisoners of the Empire?

Allow for Roleplay.

[Regardless of how this goes, the characters are cut loose]. Since you appear to be enemies of the Empire, we will let you go.

[They return there gear "what's on there character sheet or just what's in the packs, unless Jenn doesn't have the Holocron then they keep the gear" but the pirates steal there ship with everything on it]. "Play this by ear on if they get the gear/weapons back or not."

Allow for Roleplay, pick the right time for the Gamorrean's to run up on them, then proceed with Escape From Mos Shuuta as the adventure has it.
The Cantina
You step down a short flight of stairs into the cantina's shadowy common room, the cool air a blessed relief from the scorching heat of Tatooine. The Devaronian bartender pauses in his chores to stare at you, his devilish features intimidating. On a stage against the far wall, a Twi'lek woman dances to recorded music. Private booths line the walls and the cantina floor is scattered with tables and chairs.

A few patrons turn in their seats to stare at you. The only other exits you see from the room are what looks to be a storage closet in one corner and a doorway behind the Twi'lek dancer. The arched roof aboove you is supported by thick, heavy struts. You only have a few momentsto find a hiding plave before Teemo's thugs arrive. What do you?

[Ask each player what they are doing, let them know the Gamorrean's will probably enter the cantina next turn.]
[After the makes there choices, have each of them roll an appropriate skill check.]

Those that pass there rolls . . .
Moments after you hide yourselves, a small troupe of pig-like Gamorreans carrying heavy, bone-breaking clubs steps through the door - Teemo's enforcers! They blink their beady little eyes in the gloom, peering about. Then. seeing nothing of interest. They grunt and whine in their primitive language and turn to go. You know they'll keep looking for you until you take them out. With their backs turned, this is the perfect moment to strike!

Those that fail there rolls . . .
Moments after you hide yourselves, a small troupe of pig-like Gamorreans carrying heavy, bone breaking clubs steps through the door - Teemos enforcers! They blink their beady little eyes in the gloom, peering about and then one lets loose a piercing shriek! You are spotted! Things are about to get violent!

All stats 2D except:
Dexterity 3D
Knowledge 1D
Mechanical 1D
Melee Parry 3D
Strength 4D
Technical 1D
Move: 7
Weapon: Cugdal (5D)

The PC's win . . .
The Gamorreans are defeated! The silence that follows is broken by slow, unamused applause. The Devaronian bartender approaches and laughs a brittle little laugh. "I guess you're folks who need to get off the planet in a hurry. The good news for you is that there's a freighter in Landing Bay Aurek now. The bad news is that it belongs to captain Trex, an associate of the Hutt's and he won't just let you on. The other bad news is that the reason l know it's still in the landing bay is that it has a broken hypermatter reactor igniter and won't be flying anywhere until it gets a new one installed. I bet Vorn over at the junk shop has one." Then he points at the door. “Now get out of my cantina."

The PC's lose . . .
Gamorrean cudgel swings for your head. and then … blackness! You awaken sometime later with a groan to find the Devaronian bartender standing over you holding a new-empty stimpack. From the aches and bruises all over your body, you estimate that the Gamorreans kicked you in the ribs until they got bored, then wandered off. “Teemo must not want you dead, but it's still not healthy to stay in Mos Shuuta," says the bartender. “The good news for you is that I happen to know that there's a freighter in Landing Bay Aurek right now. The bad news is that its captain, Trex, is an associate of the Hutt's and won't just let you on. The other bad news is that the reason I know it's still in the landing bay is that it has a broken hypermatter reactor igniter and on't be flying anywhere until it gets a new one installed‘ I bet Vorn over at the junk shop has one." Then he points at the door. “Now get out of my cantina."

The Junk Shop
The junk shop is immediately obvious by the scrapyard adjoining the low pourstone building. As you step inside. you see a hunched old human male lurking behind a low counter covered with disassembled droid and machine parts. The man glances up at you, then turns to a garbage can-shaped R5 droid standing at his side. He kicks the droid and shrieks “You're supposed to tell me when I have customers. you bucket of bolts! Go outside and finish stripping that speeder bike wreck." The droid trundles off with a surly “boooop‘ and the man turns to you. “Welcome, customers! As you can see," he points at the racks and shelves and enormous buckets full of scrap metal and parts, “l have anything you could want...for the right price of course."

VORN TEL-OVIS (Human Male Junk Dealer):
All stats 2D except for:
Blaster 3D+1, Business 4D, Value 4D,
Willpower 4D
Repuslorlift Operations 3D+1
Con 2D+2
Bargain 4D
Ground Vehicle Repair 3D
Repulsorlift Repair 3D
Move: 10
Equipment: Hold-Out Blaster (3D; 3- 4/8/12; 6 shots), heavy clothing, medpac, droid repair kit.

"No. I only have one. and it's already promised to Captain Trex of the Krayt Fang."

"Trex is a Trandoshan bounty hunter who stops over in Mos Shuuta a few times a year. His ship, the Krayt Fang, is a beat-up old YT-1300 light freighter. A fine ship. if you can keep her running."

Vorn is happy to sell the part for more than Trex is offering, since he always wants to make more money. If the PCs choose this option, choose a PC to make an opposed Bargain check vs. Vorn's Bargain. If they succeed, they negotiate a good price, and Vorn asks only 600 credits. If they fail, Vorn gouges them on the price. and asks 750 credits.

Lying to Vorn is certainly possible. lf the PCs choose this option, they'll have to choose one PC to make an opposed Con check vs. Vorn‘s Willpower.

Buttering up Vorn isn't very effective, but it's worth a try. If the PCs choose this option, have a PC opposed Persuasion check vs Vorn's Willpower. However, because Vorn is generally illnatured, he gets a +1D modifier to resist.

Intimidating Vorn can work, although he‘s more likely to agree to sell the piece than he is to just give it over, if the PCs choose this option, choose a PC to make an opposed Intimidate check vs. Vorn’s Willpower.

This is clever, and Vorn will show them the part. This makes any attempt to steal it later much easier, since the PCs know what they're looking for and where it's kept.

“That droid is a lazy good-for-nothing. It hates me almost as much as I hate it. But we’re stuck with each other.”

The R5 unit, R5-K3, is afflicted with the bad attitude common to its model and hates its master Vorn Tel-Ovis. If the PCs go outside into the junkyard and talk to it, it will be happy to go inside, steal the HMRI, and bring it them. All the PCs have to do is keep Vorn distracted (which can be as simple as engaging him in conversation, or creating a disturbance in the shop).

There are two basic strategies the PCs can use here: stealth and violence. If the PCs use stealth, then pilfering the item without Vorn noticing will require an opposed Sneak and possibly Hide rolls vs. Vorn's Search or Perception. If the PCs choose violence, then they must begin a combat encounter against Vorn. Vorn will not be expecting a fight, and he will go last in the initiative order. His droid simply flees from combat.

The PCs may wish to purchase something else from Vorn. He doesn't have any weapons or armor for sale, but the PCs may purchase medpacs or droid repair kits from him for 100 credits each, Vorn has only 4 medpacs and 3 droid repair kits on-hand.

Command & Control
Target: Controls to release docking clamps on the Krayt Fang.

The spaceport control facility is a low. squat building clinging to the edge of the Mos Shuuta bluff. The front entrance stands open, but a pair of spaceport security droids stand at attention. If you're going to get off Tatooine, you need to disable the docking clamps holding the Krayt Fang in its landing bay, and you can only do that inside spaceport control. You'll have to either get past those droids somehow, or find another way in.

The two droids will deny the PCs access to the building. but won't attack unless the PCs try to go in anyway or attack the droids.

The PCs have three basic choices for how to proceed.

To do this, the PCs will have to come up with some sort of reason for the guards to let them through, then pass an opposed Con or Intimidate check versus the droids' Willpower. If the story the PCs come up with sounds plausible, reward them with a +1D beneficial situational modifier. If it's very unlikely, give them a -1D detrimental situational modifier. If the PCs fail, the droids tell them to move along. The PCs can try another way in or try a new story. Each time they try a new story to convince the droids, they suffer an additional detrimental situational modifier as the droids' suspicion programming is activated.

There's a side entrance the PCs can find if they go looking, and no one will stop them if they walk up to it. The door is locked. but the PCs can open it by using Security (to trigger the physical locking mechanism) or Computer Programming/Repair (to fake a valid access code). This check is a Moderate skill check. lf the PCs fail, they must find another way in. If they succeed, they find themselves in a small conference room off the main chamber.

The PCs can simply attack the guards and fight their way in. It they do this, however, the guards inside the facility will also be on high alert and they will likely have to fight inside as well. The guards are not expecting a fight; each side makes a separate Perception check for initiative (players group, security droids outside, security droids inside, if alerted to the characters actions).

All stats 2D except for:
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D
Intimidation 4D
Languages 6D
Law enforcement 5D+2
Willpower 4D
Search 3D
Brawling 3D
First Aid 4D
Move: 12
Equipped with: Infrared vision (see in the dark up to 30m); Motion sensors (+2 to search rolls against moving targets); Sonic sensors (+2 to search rolls that involve sound); Body armor (+1D to Strength rolls versus physical attacks, +1 pips versus energy attacks).
Equipment: Blaster Carbine (5D, 3-7,25/50)

All stats are 2D except for:
Blaster 3D
Knowledge 3D
Law enforcement 4D
Mechanical 3D
Communications 4D
Sensors 4D
Command: starport control 5D
Computer programming/repair 3D+2
First Aid 3D
Move: 10
Equipment: blaster pistol (4D, 3-10/30/120), datapad, comlink.

Once Inside Command & Control
When they get inside. the PCs find themselves in a tasteful antechamber. with several seats for visitors and a few sicklylooking potted plants. The spaceport control proper is down either of two short corridors. When the PCs venture down a corridor, read or paraphrase the following aloud:

You step through the doorway into a large chamber, crowded with computer equipment and centered around a large holo display showing a plot of the local aerospace. Standing in front of the display with her arms folded behind her back is a human woman. She appears to be in charge and, as you watch, she speaks into a headset in a formal, commanding tone: 'Imperial shuttle-11238, this is Overseer Brynn with spaceport control. You are cleared for landing. Welcome to Mos Shuuta." A half-dozen technicians of different species work at consoles and two security droids stand near the doorway. Your attention is pulled to the floor-to-ceiling transparisteel windows against the far wall, looking out over the desert of Tatooine, where an Imperial shuttle is coming in for a landing.

If the PCs have already fought their way through the droids outside. then the droids inside will immediately attack them and Overseer Brynn joins in. Otherwise, the PCs have similar options as before.

Overseer Brynn is a little more clever than the droids outside, but the PCs can still attempt to talk her into opening the clamps with a clever story and a Con or Persuasion check opposed by Brynn's Willpower 3D. If they fail, Overseer Brynn tells them to leave. It they don't, the droids attack. See "Fight!" above.

No ones paying attention to the PCs, so they can simply walk up to the closest computer console, gain illicit access, and release the docking clamps themselves. This is a Moderate (15+) Computer Programming/Repair check. If they generate a complication, a small alarm is triggered and Overseer Brynn asks them what they think they're doing. The PCs will have to think quickly to convince her that they‘re harmless and should be let go! See “Convince Overseer Brynn" above, but add a -1D hindrance situational modifier to any check. Or the PCs can just run away - no one pursues. If the PCs fail on the Computer Programming/Repair, they will have to somehow force Overseer Brynn or one of the other spaceport technicians to disengage the clamps (see “Convince Overseer Brynn" above, and perhaps “Fight!” as well).

FIGHT! Once both droids are defeated, Overseer Brynn surrenders and agrees to help the PCs. If Overseer Brynn is killed, then the PCs can release the docking clamps at the central command console without having to make a skill check. Once the docking clamps have been disengaged, the PCs can leave, Proceed to the Interlude.

Destruction of Vanguard Station
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas

As you drop out of Hyperspace you see three Venator-class Star Destroyers at Vanguard Station. You are out of weapons range of the Destroyers at the moment. (Mention that they might want to kill the ships thrusters)

[The screen wipes . . . ]

You're now on the bridge of one of the Venator-class Destroyers. You see a man turn to his communications officer, open a coms channel with the station. Yes sir.

You see Mr. Wick appear over the holoscreen in front of Admiral Praat, this is Jerrick Wick, chief administrator for Vanguard Station, how might I assist you admiral? You will surrender (characters names) immediately in the name of the Galactic Empire. I'm sorry, but they are not here at this time. Allow me to repeat myself, You will surrender the afore mentioned fugitives immediately. Again, I am sorry to inform you but they left the station 2 weeks ago, I haven't seen them since. You are welcome to board the station to verify this sir.

Admiral Praat motions to his communications officer to sever coms with the station. Inform the other ships to take up positions and open fire. Yes sir.

The screen pulls back to an outside view of the station and the Destroyers. You watch as the Venators reposition themselves and begin to open fire on the station. It doesn't take the three Venator-class Destroyers long before the station explodes.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Ready For Content
The Clone Wars & Clone Protocol 66
The current year for our homebrewed Clone Wars era campaign is set during 19 BBY.
Inspired By George Lucas